Monday 18 June 2012

Silly Bunny Faces Highlights

We saw some pretty strange faces this time around. Thanks again to Sandra (@Rabbitmeow) for the great suggestion. If you have an idea of your own, let us know!

Here are some photos from today. 

From Laurel (@laurelrad)
"How did you find me?!"

From 5 Bouncing Bunnies (@bouncingbunnie1)
"Mummy says its not nice to pull faces.... Rx"

From Lando & Oracle (@chris_ash_ding)

From Mischa (@Mischa_Bun)
"Oh hai!"

Lastly, a bonus photo from one of our admins (@estelleesme) which was too cute not to post
"here is my affronted look - Estelle"


  1. Wow!! is so coot, wif your tongue sticking out and Mischa is adorable too!! Me is hoppy to see's Lando & Oracle part of #bunpicsmonday!! Laurel is 'dorable and Estelle, of course, is stwikings a pose!! Momma wasn't able to find or take, any pics of us 3 buns this time but me hopes we can gets in next weeks #bunpicsmonday!!
    Thanks, so much, to the Genewal for doing such a gweat job, as always!!

  2. Oh fanks you for puttings me on there! I has been tellings effurybun for a vewy longs time that's I should be a model! - Estelle

    Oh no! Now her head won't fit in the hutch! - Esme

  3. Hey, everyone! Chris_Ash_Ding from twitter, here! We are so proud to see Lando & Oracle on #bunpicsmonday Thanks for having us :-D
