Monday 30 April 2012

This week's highlights

So many good photos! Here are a few from this week's theme 'ears'
Check back tomorrow for next week's theme!

From Humfrie Bunnykins (@humfriebunny)
"What did you say to me?"

From Brigette Howell (@BrigetteHowell)

From Daisy Bun (@daisyrabbit)
"Norman has radar ears hehe"

From Simba the Rabbit (@SimbaRabbit1)
"I'm disadvantaged! I've hardly got any ears! They are hidden in my mane!"

1 comment:

  1. What anofur amazing #BunPicsMonday!!!! Me was so 'cited to see's all of the bun ears that were posted. Me also wants to take this hopportunity to say fanks you to The Genewal for doing all the bunderful work he's done on this bwog!!! He has it set up so well and it has weally allowed the #BunPicsMonday to become a huge event evfurry week!!! Fanks, Genewal!!!
    Love, Scotty (Oreo & Laddy, too)
